About our company: Woodestic is a premium wooden board game manufacturer founded in Hungary in 2012. We are an enthusiastic team handcrafting and selling high-quality wooden board games worldwide. Our mission is to provide a unique and lasting gaming experience for people, in the form of board games, anywhere in the world! Woodestic Crokinole Tournament: Crokinole, a timeless tabletop skill game that blends dexterity, strategy, and fun, has its roots in 19th-century Canada. In recent times, it has experienced a resurgence in popularity on this side of the Atlantic. Woodestic Crokinole Elite: These stunning boards are made individually. The pattern of the intarsia is all unique, with no duplications, and there is only ONE board from each pattern. All of the intarsias are designed by our craftsman, the items are placed into their place one by one. The leather ditch is made carefully by a professional manufacturer who makes sure that the result is the most premium crokino
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